Eagle Scout Project Improves Lake Ozark with New Signs

Eagle Scout Project Improves Lake Ozark with New Signs

The Lake Ozark community recently received a special enhancement thanks to an Eagle Scout project in Lake Ozark led by John Hayes. Committed to community service, John proposed and completed a project to install beautiful new welcome signs at key entry points to the...

Missouri Tourism Will Benefit from a Casino at Lake of the Ozarks

Missouri Tourism Will Benefit from a Casino at Lake of the Ozarks

Missourians will vote on Amendment 5, which proposes adding a casino on the Osage River below the Bagnell Dam in Lake Ozark. A "yes" vote would allow Missouri to issue an additional gaming license for this specific location, with Osage River Gaming and Bally’s...

Lake Ozark Casino Expands Entertainment Options

Lake Ozark Casino Expands Entertainment Options

Missouri voters will soon decide on Amendment 5, which proposes the addition of a new casino on the Osage River near the Bagnell Dam at the Lake of the Ozarks. If passed, this amendment would amend the state constitution, allowing the Osage River as a permitted casino...

Lake Ozark Casino Opportunity Still Viable

Lake Ozark Casino Opportunity Still Viable

Yesterday the Secretary of State Jay Ascroft’s office released the findings of the signatures collected noting them as Insufficient for the Initiative Petition that would permit Missourians to vote on amending the Missouri Constitution to allow a 14th Casino license...

Osage River Gaming a possibility in Lake Ozark

Osage River Gaming a possibility in Lake Ozark

Missourians, In the next few days we will learn if an Initiative Petition will be placed on this November's ballot amending the Missouri Constitution to allow for a 14th license, currently the state caps those licenses at 13. The City of Lake Ozark has historically...

Reinvestment into City Infrastructure

Reinvestment into City Infrastructure

To the Residents of Lake Ozark, we know growth is coming regardless of our individual opinions. I am committed to work hard on making sure the growth is “smart growth” well planned with identifiable favorable outcomes for our town. Our city infrastructure has been...

Lake Ozark has lost 10 motels recently!

Lake Ozark has lost 10 motels recently!

Preeminent Resort & Entertainment Brand #BALLYS has partnered with Osage River Gaming to tackle an Initiative Petition that would allow Missourians to vote on amending the MO Constitution to allow a 14th State license in the #cityoflakeozark. Lake Ozark has lost...

State of the City Well-Attended

State of the City Well-Attended

Over 40 Lake Ozark residents, business owners, and other stakeholders attended  or tuned in via Zoom for the inaugural State of the City event held on January 23rd in the Council Chambers at Lake Ozark City Hall. Throughout the 45-minute presentation, both Mayor...

Lake Ozark Residents…Thank You!

Lake Ozark Residents…Thank You!

Lake Ozark Residents I want to thank you for your support, your vote and your desire to continue moving Lake Ozark forward. Lake Ozark has countless opportunities for smart growth, that growth represents “revenue” without raising taxes. Without increased revenue our...

Mayor Newberry on City Services

Mayor Newberry on City Services

Mayor Newberry on City Services Assisted City in finding and hiring a New City Administrator, Municipal Judge and Chief of Police. Assisted City in hiring a new Municipal Judge. Created a Road Committee to assist with prioritizing and initiating roadrepairs. Created a...

Lake Ozark, Missouri’s first film friendly city?

Lake Ozark, Missouri’s first film friendly city?

Recently the Film & Entertainment Industry has brought a lot of awareness to our community. If harnessed correctly the positive impact on Smart Growth for the greater Lake of the Ozarks area and the City of Lake Ozark could be tremendous. Missouri Senator Denny...

Osage Nation Calls Out Misinformation

Osage Nation Calls Out Misinformation

Native American tribes, like the Osage Nation, have faced baseless, discriminatory attacks for centuries. This week, the Missouri Senate Emerging Issues Committee Members were presented with racist and false claims at a hearing regarding casino development for the...

Lake Ozark Board Unanimously Supports Senate Resolution 14

Lake Ozark Board Unanimously Supports Senate Resolution 14

A constitutional amendment to allow a gambling boat on the Osage River received mixed public testimony Tuesday. Framed as a potential alternative to the Lake of the Ozarks casino in development by the Osage Nation, Senate Joint Resolution 14 would change Missouri's...

Bikefest/Rally on the Bagnell Dam Strip and Street Capital

Bikefest/Rally on the Bagnell Dam Strip and Street Capital

At last nights BOA meeting our Alderman voted unanimously on Bill No. 2022-19 which amends Code Section 130.240 to allow capital improvement sales tax to be used for road infrastructure in addition to sewer and water improvements and debt related to bonds. This Bill...

City of Lake Ozark to ask citizens for tax re-allocation

City of Lake Ozark to ask citizens for tax re-allocation

At last nights Board of Alderman meeting city Administrators David Mitchem and Harrison Fry asked the Board to pass a resolution paving the way for the city to ask residents to allow the city to allocate capital improvement tax revenue to Streets as well as Sewer and...

Citizens, Business Owners & Tourists

Citizens, Business Owners & Tourists

Lake Ozark has a long history of hosting many weekend and summer getaways. Our great city is home to Bagnell Dam the sole structure that without it there would be no Lake of the Ozarks. Lake Ozark is the Front Door to our lake, front doors make the first impression...

Lake Ozark Has 3 New Board of Alderman Candidates to Support

Lake Ozark Has 3 New Board of Alderman Candidates to Support

Lake Ozark Citizens and Business Owners April 5th is Municipal Elections. We have 4 Board of Alderman positions up for grabs. Three of these seats are being sought after by new BOA candidates Sherry Jackson, David Ridgely and Krista Watts. I like to think of them like...

New Directions for Lake Ozark

New Directions for Lake Ozark

Pictured Above:  Fry, Newberry, Mitchem Lake Ozark Assistant City Administrator/Economic Development Coordinator Harrison Fry and new City Administrator David Mitchem have quickly forged a relationship that is delivering for the city of Lake Ozark residents and...

Lake Ozark Casino Opportunities

Lake Ozark Casino Opportunities

Given I have heard from multiple entities interested in proposing similar types of projects including gaming and convention type hotels with an entertainment component. At a time where economic development at the Lake of the Ozarks is our focus, our community must...

Lake Ozark will be getting new City Administrator

Lake Ozark will be getting new City Administrator

https://soundcloud.com/show-me-institute/lake-ozark-looking-for-new-city-administrator-david-stokes-on-the-gary-nolan-showJOIN OUR VIP TEXT CLUB Stay up to date with all things Lake Ozark!

City Administrator Selection nearing completion

City Administrator Selection nearing completion

I wanted to give you an update on the selection process of our new City Administrator. A few months ago my reluctance to go along with the board of alderman demands to hire from within drew much division between myself and board members.   As Mayor of Lake Ozark, I...

Bikefest a Success in Lake Ozark

Bikefest a Success in Lake Ozark

Congratulations to our Lake Ozark business owners and the entire Lake of the Ozarks community on another successful Bikefest. I was able to speak to many of them over the past several days, here is what some of them had to say…   Joe Homan owner of the Orchid Motel...

Bikefest Lake of the Ozarks

Bikefest Lake of the Ozarks

I want to thank Chief Launderville, our Board of Alderman and City Administration for their efforts to create additional parking for Bikefest. As a gesture of good will to Lake Ozark business owners, tourists, Bikefest attendees and the entire Lake of the Ozarks...

Will Bikefest at Lake of the Ozarks continue in 2021?

Will Bikefest at Lake of the Ozarks continue in 2021?

I have been asked repeatedly if the City of Lake Ozark will be allowing the annual Bikefest to continue? To make it as simple as possible, YES Bikefest will continue in 2021 unless the event coordinator should choose not to market the event. The City of Lake Ozark nor...