I wanted to give you an update on the selection process of our new City Administrator. A few months ago my reluctance to go along with the board of alderman demands to hire from within drew much division between myself and board members.
As Mayor of Lake Ozark, I believe the filling of the soon to be vacant City Administrator position is one of the most critical tasks before me. This position is the single most important position in our city government. Because of this, we needed a rich pool of candidates to choose from. Our advertisement expenses totaled $600, it was well worth it as we received 18 applicants. One of the board of alderman’s points of contention was that they had paid $22,000 previously and was that money all for nothing? A sunken cost fallacy. Often times a good intended expense is abandoned or modified for better results. With that, I assembled a committee of Lake Ozark residents, business owners, and managers to oversee the entire process, this is going well.
We have invited 4 applicants including our current Assistant City Administrator-Economic Developement Coordinator Harrison Fry to participate in the interviews next week. This committee will select the very best person to fill the job with the final decision to be approved by the Board of Alderman. Doing it this way we have the best possibility for the best result. I will keep you updated on who the committee selects as my appointment for this very important position.
Thank you for your support.


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