Mayor Newberry on City Services Assisted City in finding and hiring a New City Administrator, Municipal Judge and Chief of Police. Assisted City in hiring a new Municipal Judge. Created a Road Committee to assist with prioritizing and initiating roadrepairs. Created a...
Recently the Film & Entertainment Industry has brought a lot of awareness to our community. If harnessed correctly the positive impact on Smart Growth for the greater Lake of the Ozarks area and the City of Lake Ozark could be tremendous. Missouri Senator Denny...
Native American tribes, like the Osage Nation, have faced baseless, discriminatory attacks for centuries. This week, the Missouri Senate Emerging Issues Committee Members were presented with racist and false claims at a hearing regarding casino development for the...
A constitutional amendment to allow a gambling boat on the Osage River received mixed public testimony Tuesday. Framed as a potential alternative to the Lake of the Ozarks casino in development by the Osage Nation, Senate Joint Resolution 14 would change...
On behalf of the City of Lake Ozark, we are very grateful to Head Motor Company, Indian Motorcycle and Slingshot for their generous donation of $25k that will go to the Lake Ozark Police Department and Public Works. The City of Lake Ozark and our Bagnell Dam Strip...